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Youth Foundation

Masol a little village located just north of Sukhna Lake  frustrated by sustained apathy of the Punjab Government, Masol village now wants to try its luck with Haryana.

A Report On Masol


Youth Foundation

A Non-Government Development Organization



The village Masol that presently falls in Morinda constituency of Rupnagar district (Punjab) is desirous to be a part of Haryana State because of a lack of interest of Punjab Government. Even being a stretch of only 12 kms. from city beautiful Chandigarh, it is being deprived of basic facilities such as road, health care services, communication facility, proper supply of drinking water and electricity. On the name of road, there is a tributary and one has to trek 5 kms. through this to reach village.

Nand Singh, 90 years remembered that during Maharaja Bhupinder Singhs rule their ancestors were inhabitants of village Charnian in Patiala kingdom but due to non-payment of taxes and to escape the physical penalties, they had to leave their aboriginal place and then relocated to forest-now Masol

He requested the study team to convey about their pity situation to the government, to give a new lease of life to their younger generations by improving the living conditions in the village.

            Even in this era of science and technology in Punjab: Symbol of prosperity, Masol is backward and ignored to such an extent, which the residents of this state cant even imagine. This study pours light on the pathetic state of Mosolians.



For meticulous assessment of village a micro-level door-to-door survey was conducted. Besides this panchayat members were visited, small meeting with villagers were arranged, youth and women were also approached for group discussions so as to collect basic information regarding socio-economic conditions and other problems faced by them.



Once upon a time there were 150 houses in Masol but now only 90 families with a population of 452+ are left mostly belonging to Lubana Sikh. The reason behind this reduction is migration of at least 5-6 families every year to near by cities and other villages.

            Literacy rate is very low, with 90% percent people being un-educated. The strength of children in Primary school is 46 with girls outnumbering boys, as boys are supposed to help parents in livelihood by means of rope weaving and cattle grazing. From the whole village only 08 children are studying above primary in Charnian (Haryana) and 10 got admitted in village Tandi. The most educated individual in village is 8th passed only.

            Regarding households, 85% houses are of kacha type. Almost 70% of them lack kitchen and there was not even a single lavatory in the village. In total of 90 houses, there were only 7 scooters and 16 bicycles, which are kept at a distance of 5 kms. from village as there is no link road, so the major mean of transportation is camel.

            People have small pieces of land. There is no income generation from agriculture and cattle resources as it is insufficient for the accomplishment of their own needs. Villagers earn by making ropes of locally available raw material. Male members also earn from daily wages but this too is not available throughout the year as in rainy seasons village gets totally cut off from outside world.

            Although more than 40 houses have connections of electricity but power supply remain shut for most of the time. Punjab State Electricity Board provides electricity to the consumers through the transformer that is located at a distance of 5 km. from the village. Due to the long distance between the transformer and end users, voltage becomes very low.

            For drinking water people are dependent on water works of village Tanda Karoran. Total distance of village Masol from water works is about 3.2 kilometers. The existing pipelines have already outlived its life as it was laid about 30 years back. The water works gives only one-hour supply in a day. Often it fails to give even one-hour supply for a long time in rainy and summer seasons. People also get water by digging on the riverbed for live stock and some times even for their own use also. In the month of may-June they have to get water from village Kiratpur 4 kms. from the village Masol. 22 Families have camels and these camels are means for transportation of potable water. Those families, which dont have camels, hire them for 50-100 Rs. per round. Families, which dont have the capacity to pay for the same, have to transport water on their heads.

            Due to lack of basic facilities like road, transport and health care services patients have to be taken to hospital on cots carried by 5-6 persons. Most of the deliveries take place in village with Gods grace but in complicated cases, females with labour pains are carried to hospital and there are cases when mother and child both die on the way.



After viewing the condition of this dark embedded village many issues that should be tackled immediately originate but the politicians on whom people had major hopes give an easy way out asking Masol inhabitants to leave their village and settle somewhere else.


According to priorities the following issues must be addressed:

·        Availability of drinking water

·        Supply of electricity with correct voltage

·        Community Center

·        Health Care Services

·        Afforestation

·        Education up to 8th at village level

·        Skill up gradation and income generation

·        Road and communication link

The government needs to pay its social obligations in ensuring adequate efforts in making basics services, infrastructure and technologies available to the villagers.



